About Us

Water Footprint

The water footprint and water footprint are ways of measuring the uses and environmental impacts related to water, throughout the cycle of extraction of raw materials, processing, use and final disposal of products; and that depend both on the location and the moment in which these uses occur. It is a valuable tool to prioritize actions that reduce these impacts and improve water management in production processes and for water management in the territories.

How many liters of water
does it take to...

For 1 kilo of pork
0 L
For 1 kilo of beef
0 L
For 1 kilo of artichokes
0 L
For 1 liter of wine
0 L
For 1 liter of pineapple juice
0 L
For 1 kilo of broccoli
0 L
For 1 kilo of bread
0 L
For 1 kilo of lemon
0 L
For 1 kilo of ham
0 L
For 1 kilo of chicken
0 L
For 1 kilo asparagus
0 L
For 1 kilo of cheese
0 L

What do we do

We develop experiences in evaluating and reducing the impacts generated by the consumption and contamination of water in the production processes of leading business partners; as well as in actions in the territory to improve the management of shared water, as responsible actors that participate in territorial development.

CSR Project in Peru
Technical Committee, Colombia 2018
Technical Committee, Chile 2018
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¿About us?

We are an initiative led by the cooperation of the Government of Switzerland, within the framework of its Global Water Initiatives Program, which has been working since 2010 with the private sector, public institutions and research centers to promote responsible and committed water management. Our partners and strategic allies are the government counterparts that are responsible for managing water resources, as well as the leading companies in various sectors, the users in the territorial scope of the initiative, and the implementing partners of the proposal.

Scope of action

The initiative is implemented in Colombia (since 2010), Chile and Peru (since 2012)

See more information about each country:

Lines of action

Water footprint:

Evaluation, reduction and management of internal impacts in the production chains of goods and services.

Commitment to the value chain:

Participation of suppliers and customers in reducing their impacts on water.

Collective actions in hydrographic basins:

Commitment of the interested parties to jointly develop actions for the sustainable management of water and the protection of ecosystems.

water footprint
Value chain
Actions in the territories
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