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El agua nos une

El Agua Nos Une is a program led by the Water Thematic Division of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC. It has direct actions in Colombia, Peru, Mexico and Brazil; promoting exchange with other Latin American countries. We work to strengthen good water governance, maximizing the forces of the public and private sectors, and of civil society around responsible production and consumption. The objective is to highlight the value of water for society.


Quarterly summaries of the results and news in each country


The latest updates and progress of the program in its actions for the conservation and sustainable management of water in Latin America.

Encuentro Monitoreo Institucional del Agua en Colombia: experiencias e innovaciones, entre las instituciones competentes en el monitoreo para la gestión del agua a nivel nacional y regional.
La ASOCIACION FRUTAL DELICIAS es una organización de mujeres rurales que se dedica al fomento del empleo en la población campesina, y que se dedica a la transformación de frutas especialmente la mora de castilla.


Upcoming events and activities related to the program, including webinars, workshops, and meetings, that seek to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing on water management issues.


Digital resources

Knowledge for water management

Here you will find the contents, publications and digital resources developed within the framework of El Agua Nos Une.


We highlight the collaboration and teamwork of the program with a wide network of organizations.