Montañita (Caqueta),Colombia Autor: Econexus Insitu

Who we are

El Agua Nos Une is a program led by the Water Thematic Division of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC. It has direct actions in Colombia, Peru, Mexico and Brazil; promoting exchange with other Latin American countries. We work to strengthen good water governance, maximizing the forces of the public and private sectors, and of civil society around responsible production and consumption. The objective is to highlight the value of water for society.

We have institutional partners in each of the countries and with implementing organizations to strengthen and consolidate alliances, measure results and share experiences that contribute to dialogues at the national, regional and global levels.

What do we do

Develop actions in partnership with actors from the public, private and civil society sectors; for decision-making based on evidence, generating transformations in production processes, in the territory and in the habits of citizens.


Photo: el agua nos une
Photo: el agua nos une
Photo: el agua nos une
Photo: el agua nos une

Where we are?

"El Agua Nos Une" program has a 12-year vision, divided into 3 phases. It is currently in Phase 1, between 2022 and 2025. It has direct implementation in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, and Mexico, and specific advisory services to Chile, Ecuador, and Panama. This program takes up the 11-year experience of the SuizAgua project. A know-how developed in the application of the water footprint (ISO14046) and in corporate water management, mainly. It started in Colombia in 2010, in 2012 it was scaled to Peru and Chile, and from 2017 it worked in Mexico and Brazil.
Este programa retoma la experiencia de 11 años del proyecto SuizAgua. Un saber hacer desarrollado en aplicación de la huella de agua (ISO14046) y en la gestión corporativa del agua, principalmente. Inició en Colombia en el 2010, en 2012 se escaló a Perú y Chile, y a partir del 2017 se trabajó en México y Brasil.

El Agua Nos Une Author: X


Huila, Colombia. Author: Herencia Hídrica