Water Risk in Times of Globalization

In the session, a great part of the participants came from the private sector. Interactive methodology allowed a rich and open conversation. Engagement and accountability needs to be reinforced in this globalized economy, giving the respective responsibilities and roles with water management to governments, corporates and civil society. There is a call for collective action and respective outcome monitoring of the water stewardship initiatives.

There are available methodologies for corporate water stewardship as a strong engagement with IWRM, and in this frame, tools for water risks screening and water impacts assessment (such as water footprint and water filter risk) in order to reduce them and monitor action.

SWP Booth

Launch of the publication “The imported risk – Switzerland’s water risk in times of globalization” by WWF. Based on import volumes and relevance for the Swiss economy, six sectors where analyzed (extractives, chemical, agriculture, textiles, financial services and retail). Physical, regulatory and reputational risks related to water from imported goods should be better understood and mitigated.

Closing Plenary World Water Week 2016, theme of this year: Water for Sustainable Growth

Key points:

  • There is a need for honest conversation about water pricing regimes
  • Efforts are still needed in terms of communication. “The media looks for stories that need to be put in a language that people actually want to read, hear, or see them” – Journalist from the Guardian
  • The approach is evolving from exporting solutions and technology transfer from the developed to developing countries to a more joint vision and partnership relations.
  • Highlight on strongly integrating natural infrastructure solutions
  • Including business associations as key collaborating partners is a must.
  • Subject for 2017: Water and waste water – reduce and reuse 



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