Business Results 2019 Water Unites Us SuizAgua Colombia

The Global Water Program of the Swiss cooperation develops the initiative Water Unites us to strengthen corporate water management, reducing impacts. In parallel, the exchange and generation of knowledge in Latin America is facilitated through a Community of Practice, made up of professionals from the region. The publication compiles the results from 2016 to 2019 from Colombia. It works together with the National Association of Businessmen of Colombia (ANDI), and with 28 companies from different sectors (food: coffee, pork, bananas, concentrated food, chemical industry, textiles, pipes, household appliances, paper and cardboard, generation of electric power, cement and concrete, and mining). The National Center for Cleaner Production (CNPML) and Quantis work with companies in the evaluation and analysis of the water footprint (based on the international standard ISO 14046) and the companies invest in reducing their impacts. Links in the value chain (customers-suppliers) have been involved, such as: in cement production, the coal supplier. With Insitu, collective actions are also identified and implemented in the territory to strengthen water governance,

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